
Showing posts from October 15, 2017


1. ugly people be like -- how can you face your problem when the problem is your face? lo---ba---tan 2.let their be light and their was light, so he separated the light from the darkness, the light called Generator and the darkness he called NEPA. 3. an igbo man will never forget his change with a bus conductor , he will rather set a reminder on his phone. 4. Nollywood  why na, how can an angel wear wristwatch' 5.Correct me if i'm wrong. Men regret ladies they didn't sleep with, while ladies regret men they slept with. 6.Dear girlfriend don't go out to insult hefty guys, i won't fight back but i promise to be beside U on the hospital bed. 7. Faith is when a graduate student obtains clearance form when he hasn't checked any of his result.....hehehe. 8. Ladies surprise your boyfriend  today: collect his account details and deposit money into it .....its Romantic 9. Money is not everything? of cos money is everything, its just a lie the tell poor


[1] Nego went to church--    nego went for church service and stole  the church wall clock after the service he was caught and was asked why he did that, he responded by saying that the pastor preach that God's time is the best. [2] Bible study class --    Teacher= what is the surname of lazarus that jesus rose from the death?     Nego= comfort Teacher= why did you say that Nego= Read ur bible carefully sir, when Jesus called lazarus he included his surename Teacher= How? Nego= He called with a loud voice saying" LAZARUS COMFORT" [3] Coward  meaning --      Teacher; who is a coward?  Nego; Any cow that is giving award [4] Lizard --   Teacher; what is a baby lizard called? Nego; lizzy baby [5] Intensive care unit --     it happened on a hospital in warri, delta state...intensive care unit[ICU] patients died in the same bed, every sunday at 3pm. Doctors thought it was something supernatural. so a team of expert was formed to investigate the

9jA CoMedY ZoNe: Husband and wife were having a conversation

9jA CoMedY ZoNe: Husband and wife were having a conversation

9jA CoMedY ZoNe: Some Questions Frequently Asked By Nigerians, On Google.

MR.NEGO JOKE ZONE: Some Questions Frequently Asked By Nigerians, On Google.

9jA CoMedY ZoNe: Weweechu

9jA CoMedY ZoNe: Weweechu


Before we proceed we need to know the meaning of CHEAT. cheat is the act of being dishonesty or unfairly in order to gain advantage over someone. cheat can took place in any aspect like in the office, in children card game, at school, at gym, on social media, at a volunteering gig, in church, and any other place you think off. But ; in relationship cheat is when you are unfaithful to your partner. Regardless of whom you hurt by being unfaithful and how he or she reacted, there is no question that infidelity can really shake up any romantic relationship . But infidelity doesn't always mean the end of a relationship for the unfaithful as well as the betrayed partner, here are ways to cope and rebuild a healthy partnership after cheating. [1]- DON'T AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME THE RELATIONSHIP IS DOOMED;;;once your partner finds out that you've been involved with someone else or once you fess up, it might seem like the easiest thing to do is r


Since now adays ladies want a guy who is well build and have six pack, i think here is the perfect guy for you. Don't thank me now, thank me later.MR.NEGO cares



What is love? love is very strong word, very powerful word. what is love? Do we define love as our heart,that we as humans beings long to be with our so called soul mate. There are many different form of what we called love. Their is love all around us and we don't know it, it's in our parents, our friends, our teachers, and even the people who are homeless. We love as a community, as friends, as family and as partners , as a community we love simple by caring and we share what we have, we give to the charity, we volunteer at homeless shelters we do what we can. We just simply help out. Loving as friends takes the meaning of love to another level. Friendship can last forever or the can last for three days, all it takes is a little love and hardwork to stay friends for a lifetime. To love as a family is like loving friends but a bit more love , we love as a family sometimes because we have to., but we love as a family because we choose to or we want to. Loving as a partner is


Emotions give us clues about how to respond to things happening in our environment. is he dangerous? Does she love me? can i trust him? But can we trust our perception as we travel around the globe? can japanese tourist identify threatening people in canada? can a man from india tell the difference between anger and disgust in Nigeria? A long line of reasearch suggest the answer is basically YES. humans appear to express certain fundamental emotions through universal facial expression that are usually recognize to people from other culture. This seem to be true even across culture that have had little or no exposure to each other. The theory of universality of emotions may be missing something important. their finding suggest that culture could play a strong role than previously thought in how emotions are express and recognize. i don't thiink we really know how early children learn how to pair emotion words with their sense of what an emotion is, the idea behind universality of em


In light of the upcoming presidential race and the increase in the narcissism amongst our youth i think it safe to say that as a society we could use a little more humility. Our culture places so much value on external accomplishments, appearance, and self aggrandizement all things that are ephemeral at best that even a small display of this quiet virtue can make one feel like a drowning man coming up for air. Yet why can it be so challenging for us to express humility? IS IT BECAUSE WE OFTEN MISINTERPRET it active demonstration to be a sign of weakness when in actuality is an indication of tremendous inner strength? The answer may be found in what scientist are discovering about this quality one so deeply revered by all spiritual tradition that may consider it to be the mother of all virtue. When i meet someone who radiates humility, my shoulder relax, my heart beat a little more quite ,and something inside me go. why? Because i know that i'm being fully seen heart , and accep


For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories. thus wrote the philosopher plato in the 4th century Bc,thereby instilling the idea that character is build upon self-control. This assumption about the importance of self-control has profoundly shaped how we think about behavior, including that of our children. if only they had willpower and good character, they would be able to behave well and resist temptation, right. Many years of research and experience as a psychologies have shown and thought me how misleading this notion is, even as experiment like the famous marshmallow test seemed to confirm it. Rather than needing more self control , out children need better self regulation a way to understand and manage their stress and energy to succeed in life.A parent reaction to a child stress is important to their later ability to self regulated, starting in the first year of their life. Nature intend for humans parent to play a close, nurturing role with their off


It is not our attitude that show us what we truly are, it is our choice.                                                      2. Never defeat people just win them.                                                                                                  3. If depressed you are living in the pass, if anxiouse you are living in the future, if at peace you are living in the present.                                                                                                                            4. The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.                        5. When you are down to nothing remember that you really have the power to make something out of nothing.                  


 ROMANCE MATHEMATICS                                                                                                                                          __ Smart man  + Smart woman= Romance                                                                                                                                                        __Smart man + Dumb woman= Affair                                                                                                                                                            __ Dumb man + Smart woman= Marriage                                                                                                                                                       __ Dumb man + Dumb woman= Pregnancy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2


STOP COMPARING>>>>>>>>>> Stop comparing yourself with others, that why you are felling bad. Stop comparing   others with others you are causing enemity and envy. Be you and let others be themself. Everyone has different destiny, different purpose in life, and different time to make it in life. Stop stimulating envy and war between people by comparing them. Praising one and downgrading the other is not right, And that makes you an advocate of the devil and you are an agent of hate by doing so. Stop comparing your ex with your current lover, because you will never be happy enough to settle with who you have. Stop comparing yourself with your age group, friends, colleagues, and family members, because you will never be happy with your life. The word of God says, Those that compare themselve among themselve are not wise. So please stop foolish comparison , Be happy with what you have and who you are.