Before we proceed we need to know the meaning of CHEAT. cheat is the act of being dishonesty or unfairly in order to gain advantage over someone. cheat can took place in any aspect like in the office, in children card game, at school, at gym, on social media, at a volunteering gig, in church, and any other place you think off. But ; in relationship cheat is when you are unfaithful to your partner. Regardless of whom you hurt by being unfaithful and how he or she reacted, there is no question that infidelity can really shake up any romantic relationship . But infidelity doesn't always mean the end of a relationship for the unfaithful as well as the betrayed partner, here are ways to cope and rebuild a healthy partnership after cheating. [1]- DON'T AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME THE RELATIONSHIP IS DOOMED;;;once your partner finds out that you've been involved with someone else or once you fess up, it might seem like the easiest thing to do is run.But relationship experts say leaving a damaged partnership can sometimes be a cop out- a way to avoid taking responsibility or recognizing your own fault.instead assume that staying together is equally possible, if you are willing to put in the hard work requite . if a couple can get through an infidelity and restore the trust in the relationship they can come out the other side a stronger couple. [2]- ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU'VE CREATED A PROBLEM::: it might seem simple, but if you don't come to terms with the fact that you messed up, and therefore messed up the relationship, the healing process won't go anywhere. instead, whenever you;re apologizing for something hurtful recognize that you made a mistake that cause your partner pain. [3]- FIGURE OUT WHAT DROVE YOU TO CHEAT.;;; maybe it happened after the office holiday party, where you suddenly noticed that the guy who shares a cubic with you looks a lot better when he isn't hunched over a spreadsheet. Even so, infidelity is rarely the result of a momentary lapse in judgment or attraction to someone else. whatever the problem, try to figure it out so you can understand why you made your mistake an don't end up repeating them. [4]- LIMIT THE TIMES WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT THE INFIDELITY.;;;once the unfaithfulness comes to light it's easy for both partners to end up talking about it constantly why it occurred, exact details of where and when it happened, etc


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