For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories. thus wrote the philosopher plato in the 4th century Bc,thereby instilling the idea that character is build upon self-control. This assumption about the importance of self-control has profoundly shaped how we think about behavior, including that of our children. if only they had willpower and good character, they would be able to behave well and resist temptation, right. Many years of research and experience as a psychologies have shown and thought me how misleading this notion is, even as experiment like the famous marshmallow test seemed to confirm it. Rather than needing more self control , out children need better self regulation a way to understand and manage their stress and energy to succeed in life.A parent reaction to a child stress is important to their later ability to self regulated, starting in the first year of their life. Nature intend for humans parent to play a close, nurturing role with their offspring and to take advantage of the interbrain the shared intuitive channel of communication between a parent and child that is maintained by touch, shared, gaze, voice, and, most of all, shared emotion. this is what helps a stressedchild develop a way of self soothing that will stay with them and allow them to cope with stressors in their lives.Providing warm, nurturing care early in life can go a long way toward stress management. But that doesn't mean that parent are solely responsible for their child ability to adapt. Even kids who have enjoyed warm, nurturing parenting can have trouble with self-regulation. that is why and how parent can help. 1.Recognize when your children are overstressed. 2.Identify the stressors in your children live. 3.help your children find calming strategies that work for them.


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