In light of the upcoming presidential race and the increase in the narcissism amongst our youth i think it safe to say that as a society we could use a little more humility. Our culture places so much value on external accomplishments, appearance, and self aggrandizement all things that are ephemeral at best that even a small display of this quiet virtue can make one feel like a drowning man coming up for air. Yet why can it be so challenging for us to express humility? IS IT BECAUSE WE OFTEN MISINTERPRET it active demonstration to be a sign of weakness when in actuality is an indication of tremendous inner strength? The answer may be found in what scientist are discovering about this quality one so deeply revered by all spiritual tradition that may consider it to be the mother of all virtue. When i meet someone who radiates humility, my shoulder relax, my heart beat a little more quite ,and something inside me go. why? Because i know that i'm being fully seen heart , and accepted for whom i am, warts and all a precious ans rare gift that allow our protective walls to come down. Truly humble people are able to offer this kind of gift to us because they see and accept their own strength and limitations without defensive or judgment a core dimension, according to researchers, of humility, and one that cultivate a powerful compassion for humanity.This kind of self acceptance emerge from grounding one's worth in our intrinsic value six figure salaries or the body of a movie star or climbing the corporate ladder or the number of friends on facebook. instead, humble people place high value on more meaningful things that benefit others, such as noble qualities. They also see life as a school, recognizing that while none of us is perfect, we ca without negatively impacting our self-esteem, work on our limitations by being open to new ideas, advice, and criticism. The benefit of humility do not extend to just our leaders. for example humble people handle stress more effectively and report higher level of physical and mental well being. They also show greater generosity helpfulness, and gratitude all things that can only serve to draw us closer. THREE TIPS FOR CULTIVATING HUMILITY. 1.Embrace your humanness. 2.Practice mindfulness and self compassion. 3.Express gratitude.


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