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Men's Top 14 Biggest Turn-offs in Relationships

Men's Top 14 Biggest Turn-offs in Relationships

Men have many turn-offs in relationships too. This topic has been ignored for very long and less focused hence I chose to write a take on it. The turn-offs listed below are major turn-offs for men in relationships. Although they're true for the majority, not everyone includes them as there are always some exceptions.

1. Nagging

One of the top-most turn-offs for guys is the distressing and nagging attitude of the girls. Generally, what guys don’t like is the on-going complaints and issues raised by the girls. When you start finding faults in your guy and rise issues in everything he does, he will eventually get frustrated by you and the relationship.

2. Friendships with your exes

There are many questions about this on G@G. Friendship with exes is one of the biggest turns offs in relationships especially what comes after it. Discussing your ex's stories can make your current boyfriend feel insecure. This makes him think that either your current relationship has got flaws, or you are unable to get the ex-guy out of your mind.

3. Indecisiveness

For those who don't know, Indecisiveness aka indecision is the inability to make decisions.
The indecisiveness is turn off especially on dates. Should I drink Vodka or Wine? Should I eat Italian or Mexican? Should I wear Pink or Blue? Should I use pink lipstick or red? blah blah blah.

4. Entitled

Even if you are in a relationship, you're just like 7.5 Billion people. Demanding too much and entitling yourself actually degrades you. We respect someone whom we love someone. Stop entitling your self, you're already special for your S/O

5. Lack of ambitions

I've seen many women who don't have any ambition in life. They just live to die. It makes you less interesting. If you have ambitions, you can progress. nobody wants to date a completely dependent woman.

6. Bad hygiene

As like hygiene is an important factor for women, it is important for us too. Being unhygienic is a NO for everybody. For men as well as women.

7. Wearing too much makeup

Too much makeup can make you look ugly. of course, we love light makeup but the time women spend on makeup isn't worth.

8 .Making jokes at our expense

I agree Men have un-necessary expenses too. we enjoy gaming even at old age ( not all of us) but that doesn't mean you should make fun of us. Everyone has unnecessary expenses. The fact is, on an average woman spends around $15,000 just on makeup in her lifetime.

9. Social media obsession

If you want to spend time on social media, why do you expect us to willingly share our time with you? It is a big turn off when you're talking to someone and he/she starts using mobile.

10. Attention seeking

Don't be an attention whore (No offense). Baby, I bought a new dress, look at me. Baby, I'm hungry, feed me. Baby, Why aren't you replying me. *After few missed calls* Baby, why aren't you picking up my call. *After he picks up* A spider just bit me! I need to visit hospital! looks at this pimple!!!!!!\
geez nobody wants that. Stop seeking attention. We DO CARE ABOUT YOU! Just all of us don't show it

11. Being 'too easy'

This isn't the turnoff in dating itself but before it. Agreed that guys have double standards in it. If you are too easy, then it turns us off because we don't feel any special. If you are too hard to get, we don't chase you.

12. Overconfidence

This GIF explains it lol. Overconfidence comes with entitlement. considering yourself beautiful even if you're not is overconfidence ( not high self-esteem) And yes not everyone is beautiful

13. Never Complimenting

Yes, as like MEN WANT COMPLIMENTS TOO. The difference is we don't shout it loud. also, some women compliment men as CUTE. Cute isn't a compliment for men. That's a turn-off. If you want to compliment us, call us Hot or handsome, etc

14. Trying to be someone else

If you're in a relationship with someone, that means he loves YOU and only you irrespective of your colour, face etc. the biggest problem is, you always try to look hotter, confident etc but while doing that you lose your very own self in it.
Thanks for reading 
Let me know what do you think of these turn-offs.
Guys, share if I missed something. And sorry for lengthy take 


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