What I Think The Internet/Technology Has Done To Society.I as many others use the internet on a daily basis, but i do think its done a lot of harm in our social skills.
This is not to say i dislike the internet as i'd be lost without it and do a lot online, but these are some bad points i think.
-Its making us more lazy.
I believe its making us in some ways dumber, we use to have to remember information now if we forget some knowledge, all we need to do is go straight onto Google and we have found out the answer, i think our brains are used a lot less than they use to be and there for it has caused us to have more "lazy brains".
-Its making us Anti Social.
I'd be interested to know how anyone could argue that point, if technology didn't exist how often would you talk to your friends or see them? texting is simple and easy and i feel like so many people would rather have there face glued to there phones or laptop than talk to someone in person anymore.
-Its making people less empathetic.
I strongly believe the internet makes people care less for others, if you are friends with someone online and someone points out a problem they have with something you're doing that is upsetting them, you don't need to respond to it or deal with the situation, you can either not reply, go offline and go back to it when you feel like it, etc.. in real life most people wouldn't act like this they'd deal with the situation because the person is right there with them.
-Its creating a look at me society.
This one is mainly linked to social media, look how many people involve there life around showing there life of to others, being obsessed with how many likes they can get, posting pictures they think look good to draw and attract attention from others to feed there egos, the world has become obsessional about it and i can't see any positives with it.
-People are less in the real world.
You don't need to go outside your house if you don't want to, you can order anything you want online, clothes, food, games, you don't need to go outside your house for anything anymore really, point being that its creating the anti social to become even more anti social and making it possible for these people to just hide away from the world.
Do you Agree or Disagree with this?
What do you think?
I think the internet/technology had brought many positives but i can't help think its done a lot of harm as well.


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