How To Be The Wife He Wants

Men want a wife who is a freak in the bedroom and a wife outside. He wants a woman who can fulfill all his sexual, emotional and life fantasies. The problem is, most women get married and forget why their man was attracted to them in the first place.
They get married and become complacent. Sometimes, not taking out time for grooming, self-development and self-love. Especially after having kids.
jbfbfIn times past. when women get married, they relegate their position as a wife to the bedroom and kitchen only. They forget about all the dreams they had before getting married. Their ultimate focus becomes to cater for the home.
Such mentality is why men take side-chicks outside to play the b**** role, while having a woman at home that plays the wife role.
The trend of ‘bedroom and kitchen wife’ is fast-fading as the modern-day woman still aspires to fulfill her dreams and achieve personal life goals despite being married.
Although as a woman you have no control on your man’s actions outside the home, you can influence his thoughts by becoming every thing he needs so he doesn’t think of taking a side-chick lest acting upon it.
Let’s take a read at some things a woman can do to ‘Be The Wife He Wants’
HAVE DAILY PERSONAL GOALS – every morning, from the moment you open your eyes and prepare for the smooth running of the home, think about what you will like to have achieved for yourself at the end of the day. Even as a working wife, you should also have daily personal goals.
While making breakfast for your hubs and the kids (if you have any), ask yourself “what do I want to do ‘for me’ today?”. If you don’t have anything you want to do for yourself, then you need to find it.
Don’t be self-redundant. Repeating the same process over and over again. Be spontaneous, creative and intelligent for each other.
At first it might seem attractive to your man that you manage the home effectively, but in time, especially after being married for a long time, such an attitude becomes boring for the man, so he seeks for adventure outside the marriage hence the ‘side-chick’.
ALWAYS DRESS UP, EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE NOWHERE TO GO – When you wake up, take a bath. While some women have a job to go to everyday, others don’t, well even when you don’t have a job or a shop to go to, start your day by taking a bath.
For the housewife, the moment they have a bath, they automatically think of what to wear. You should do that too. Don’t let those clothes go to waste in your closet while you wait on your man to take you out (a feat that hasn’t happened in a long while and you aren’t even sure if it will ever happen).
When you wake up and dress up, your man automatically asks you, ‘are you going somewhere?’, which is the reaction you want to elicit.
Dress up, wear a lipstick or lip-gloss, cos when your man sees it, the next thing that comes to your hubs man is to kiss it off, and we all know morning sex is the best sex. If it leads down that road, he will be so preoccupied with thoughts of you at work and will hurry home after cos he knows he has a wonderful dessert waiting for him upon arriving.
b0c7ce7483fac7adf7a4e5d44ae7d19dDON’T BE AN AVERAGE WIFE – The average wife does nothing besides wait on her man for everything. From food, clothes, money or any other thing, you shouldn’t make your man you entire world. Be an independent wife. Intelligence is attractive. 
Your hubs being your world, undisputed, every woman should have what sets her apart asides looks. You must be able to hold a conversation with him at all times about things he is interested in. If you don’t know it, take the time out to learn or read up on it, discover what he’s interested in and build your knowledge on such subject matters.
Men talk to side-chicks about their dreams, things they don’t discuss with their wives if she isn’t smart, cos they think ”she won’t understand”.
 You should aim to impress your hubs, intelligently. He married you cos you made an impression on him as a single woman so he decided to attach himself to you forever, hence you shouldn’t be an ‘average wife’ with no dreams, goals, or passion. Read, Learn, Discover.
You will always communicate effectively when there’s a relationship with common interest.
BUILD INTIMACY AND NOT MISSIONARY SEX – When was the last time you and your hubs ‘watched the movies and Chilled’? No matter the situation, be it money or marital probs, couples who make out time to get intimate with each other stand a higher chance of sorting out issues when they arise, compared to those who don’t take time out to get intimate with each other.
And I am not talking about ”mummy and daddy sex”, I’m referring to your hubs laying on the couch or bed behind you, while you’re both in each other’s embrace, while you both watch a movie you both choose, eating popcorn (or whatever junk you can afford) and just relaxing together, laughing and making hilarious comments from scenes in the movie.
Men do these things with their side-chicks, so why don’t you learn the side-chick rules and beat her at her game?
SEX SHOULD BE ADVENTUROUS – Go wild once in a while, if you are a drinking woman and your hubs doesn’t have a prob with it, you could both play a game where the loser drinks, and you can lose deliberately and drink to get high.
Intoxication definitely makes you horny and trust me, when you make love while intoxicated, you lose every inhibition and just bring out your inner ”kink”.
Your hubs will love you so much more when you stop pretending to be a good wife and just bring out your inner kink for him. He won’t condemn you or think low of you, rather he will be so proud to have a wife who’s real about her sexuality with him. Be who you would be if you had a gigolo with your man. Make your man your gigolo. Take him how you’ve ever wanted to take a man.
His body is yours to fulfill your fantasies too, it’s not just him fulfilling his fantasies with you.
black-couple.jpg (800×600)It’s been proven that couples who have a great sex life, last longer in marriage and easily settle issues cos the sex is just too good to walk away from.
Live, Love, Learn.


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