What Are Masculine Traits?

After many troubling conversations with a lot of guys here. I began to notice a pattern. So I wanted to create a thread to address a few things.
Apparently, many men at GaG cannot figure out how to define their masculinity independent of women. This creates a huge problem when it comes to understanding women's issues.
Because guys think, they are men only because of their relation to where women are in their lives and/or the amount of power they think women wield, etc. They can't even articulate what they think a man is supposed to stand for. They cannot voice an opinion on what traits and qualities go into being masculine.
Because of that, they can't seem to articulate goals and objectives they want to work towards as men. They can't clearly define the obstacles in their path. The only answer they can give is to blame feminism for their lack of power or for their inability to embrace their manhood. Which is quite disturbing.
So here is my list. Please understand. I am talking about men. Not boys, not jerks, etc.

1. Men treat everyone with respect.

Because of that we are respected.

2. Men are leaders, we are decision making engines.

3. Men move forward constantly. We plan and build.

4. Men are protectors and defenders of their family, friends, and community.

We also protect those who cannot protect themselves.

5. Men are proud...but stubborn much of the time.

6. Men cherish intelligence, reason, and logical thinking.

7. Men are not whiners nor complainers.

We usually just grin and bear it. Even when we are in great physical/emotional pain.

8. Men are serious people, but we can still laugh and have fun.

9. Men love to compete with each other.

10. Men do not like being forced to change.

But if change is reasonable, we will accept it.

11. Men are dependable. We are the rock in our relationships.

12. Men can fight for years with depression.

And then a simple smile from a woman can brighten our entire day.

13. Men don't give up. Our stubbornness drives us.

14. Men like sex.

Yes women, we are extremely attracted to your physical sexiness in all kinds wonderful, strange and bizarre ways. We are visual when it comes to sex. That's just the way it is.

15. Men do the dirty work.

We make the hard decisions. We do the the things no one else wants to because they are necessary.

16. Men think strategically.

We see problems as challenges to be overcome. They are opportunities!

17. Men are not the greatest students.

We don't really "learn" from others very well.

18. Men are not ashamed of being men.

We are not ashamed that we are sexually attracted to women. We are not ashamed of some of the bad traits we have. We can deal with the fact that we are not perfect and we try to become better human beings.

19. Men mature as they age.

They become wiser and less impulsive.

20. Men do not treat the people who are important to them just like everyone else.

This is especially important for women. If you are with a man who does not treat you like you are his most special person. Then you are not his most special person. Nor will you ever be. It is that simple.

21. Men are simple creatures.

We think + or -, left or right. We are binary. Even if that runs contrary to natural law.

22. Men are realists, but not so much that we become pessimists.

23. Men are visionary. We aspire to do great things.

I will allow anonymous for this take. So many folks have problems voicing their opinions on posts that are somewhat "controversial".


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