What Are The Attributes Of A Good Character?

I've often wondered to myself about what exactly attributes of good character are, as well as, how people express them. I didn't really pay attention to people as a teenager, but about a year ago that changed.

I had a crazy ex. Yeah yeah yeah... you've probably heard this story before, so I'll spare you the details. I'm sure everybody has dated their own version of a crazy at some point in their lives, so I figured I'd write a take on what to look for in people, whether they be your friend, SO, or coworkers.
So what are some signs that show significant character in people? Whether they had money troubles, marriage issues, or if they had gone through depression from a death of a parent, these are huge unexpected challenges like those can change the core of a person.

Anytime someone takes a punch in the gut from life, in one way or another, their character shifts. Simply put, people often have two choices when it comes to these challenges: to run or to face them. When someone faces a challenge, they will almost always change and gain good qualities. Here's some things to look for in a person to tell if they have run from or faced up too some of these defining challenges:
- Confidence.
- Kindness and Patience.

That's really all you need to look for. These attributes show signs of a lot of character development. Confidence can only obtained after a long practiced time of being true to oneself. It can not be acquired without humility. You can easily spot it when you see someone expressing traits of humility without insecurity. (Admitting they are wrong, or asking intuitive questions.)

Kindness is something that is hard to spot. Most people mistake kindness in someone for having an ulterior motive. So how do you look for it? Kindness is born from empathy. Look for anyone who shows a true empathy towards others, as well as yourself. That being said, patience is born from kindness. So they sort of go hand and hand. (Good listeners are usually kind and people that overlook insults easily tend to be very level-headed and patient.)
I hope this helps you reader, whoever you are, in your search for truth. I'd like to read other opinions in the comments about spotting good qualities in people.


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