What About The Women Who Use Their Sexuality As a Weapon?

The demise of H. Weinstein has been swift, but more than that many other famous men have become the subject of ire and scorn by the media and a coalition of female celebrities. A me too campaign was successfully launched which revealed that just about every woman has experienced some form of sexual assault or harassment. The underlying message--there are a lot of scummy men and voiceless women and this needs to be exposed now. It does hide itself as anything other than the attack that it is. It doesn't seek a solution or a healing it only seeks to hurt men the way women have for generations--my garnering tremendous amounts of humiliation and embarrassment at them.
But does this solve the issue entirely? Certainly, these men should be exposed and arrested if it's warranted. But, the problem that everyone is really talking about is not Weinstein or Ben Affleck orPolanskii or Woody Allen but of a culture of sexual abuse.
And yet despite maligning this culture, many women ESPECIALLY these celebrity women play right into it. C'mon, they know that there breasts being out gets them roles, gets them power in hollywood. Talk to any young girl and you'll see many who are willing to put up with overly sexual remarks because they at least like the attention. I've met a girl on this site who says she was ok when her dad grabbed her butt because she felt like at least he valued her. My point is that how can you hate the culture and yet have anything to do with it
I'm not saying anything about the women who honestly like to play with their sexuality, abotu the women who honestly like to sleep with tons of men, in fact I PREFER women who are sexually liberated over conservative women. But what i don't like are women who know guys like them because they are sexy and CASH IN on it. If a guy buys you a 900 dollar pair of shoes and you take it you are complicit in that guys objectifying of you.
Now as this relates to the recent sex assault allegations, I of course do not believe any girl wanted it to happen. What i'm saying is that the culture of being flirty of going to parties and late night dinners with a man because he runs hollywood even though you don't think is appropriate is part of the same corrupt system. "but its not her fault i'm part of a mysognistic system that forces me to make money this way!" Yeah...prostitutes have the same rationale and logic.
If we as a people really want sex abuse in the workplace to go away we have to do more than keep powerful men in perpetual fear. We need more separation between each other. a big part of that are women saying no i won't go out to dinner with you because you're my boss. we need the money strapped young girl with the older male tutor who offers to let her come to his place for a free tutoring session to say no even though i need that money and he seems harmless i won't do that. This will require personal responsibility of women not only men.
And as an aside, it is not impossible for women to be taken seriously by men. a lot of women either try to out-alpha other men in their profession or they try to play docile/sexual with them. Instead, accept that you are female and you can't nor should want to play a boy's game. Explain things from a woman's perspective and revel in the fact that as a successful career woman who makes more than most you are part of an extremely small group and therefore have many unique things to contribute. But again, what I don't respect are women who complain about guys coming onto them and then going on to take opportunities that those guys give them. this is not victim blaming it is forward thinking to eviscerate the culture of women dressing up for powerful men and creating a new culture where women are seen as valuable primarily for their mind and work talent rather than how well they can strategically flirt with the right people at the right time


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