Reasons Why People Believe in God

Some people may be curious on why people can believe in something which is both invisible and that we can't hear; God, and in this MyTake I'm going to explain you some of the reasons why some people believes in God. This MyTake is talking about generally and I do appreciate if you're sharing your story about how you started believing and on why you do it. If I missed something, you can also let me now what.

1. Explain unanswered questions

Humans through history have been wondering at a lot of things. Especially on the unknown and unsolved mysteries that we don't have an answer at or can get an explanation on. Existential questions like:
Where are we from?"
"Why do we exist?"
"What's the purpose of the life?"
"How where we created?"
are things humans have been curious about for a very long time and it's something that we can't test in the lab to find it out. To answer these questions people came up with an explanation about that a powerful power or energy created the universe and all the living beings in it. Some also thought it must be more than just plain energy and that it could think, so they started believing in a personal god like that one in the bible and the qur'an for example.

2. Comfort, hope and purpose

Many Christians seeks comfort in Jesus the son and God the father (Yahweh). People of other religions may only seek it from God/Allah.

In a world with a lot of pain and suffering where we've wars, starvation, nature catastrophes, diseases and all that kind of stuffs life can seem pointless for some people if there's nobody of higher power who would eventually takes care about them or if there aren't anything fun like heaven or something similar after death, but just people deceasing to exist. Religion gives hope about a better future and it gives them a purpose in life. A common way of thinking is that the world's suffering are only there so we can differentiate good from evil, so we knows what good is and to live an exiting life. But if it's not going the way you hoped for, people believes there would be a solution at the problem in the end.
Some people thinks it's very difficult to think over death as an end at everything and what science says about the subject. Thinking over that you decease to exist and your body are decomposition sounds unpleasant for many. Especially if they've lived a miserable life or if they've lost someone they loves. Some may think:
"What's the purpose of all the suffering if we're just going to decease to exist after death, and isn't it like some of us are just experiencing the agony in this world to just stop existing without any forms of reward or happy ending? That's unfair"
The atheistic or nihilistic belief aren't for everyone and for some people it's too harsh. Especially for people who are victims of war, poverty, a medical condition and similar.

3. Tradition and the social circle

Religious people often meets each other in their holy buildings (synagogue, church, mosque, temple etc.) or celebrates holidays and do traditions together. Here: Jews celebrating Sabbath.

Another common reason why people believes in God are because of traditions and the social circles like family, friends and other related. It don't always have to be pressure or forced. Sometimes people do it voluntarily and when they're part of the religion it can become a social thing where they've a strong community. Often in churches, synagogues, mosques etc. people are very social and do many things together as a huge community. They can share joy, sadness, anger and fun with each other.

4. Extraordinary experiences

Illustration of how a near death experience might feel like.
Experiences like a near death experience, being witness to an unusual event like a miracle or getting a special feeling of doing something are giving many people a faith.
Some of them who've talked to the media have described their near death experience they had as a light in the tunnel, an enchanting feeling or seeing things they've not seen before that's difficult to word. Once time when I went to church some priests told us that their friend witnesses their friend being cured after a car accident by God. They said the patient had almost all of his bones in his body broken and that the doctors told him that he was most likely going to die.
The medical professionals took x-rays frequently and for every time they took a new picture one or two bones were healed. After taking the the x-ray pictures multiple of times, the pictures eventually showed up no broken bones and the patient were cleared cured. The priests believed it was a miracle of God. I've not met the patient or the patient's friend before, but I've only met the priests one or two times before. I've also heard about people talking about the holy spirit entering people's bodies in church. I've never seen that in real life and have only seen some videos in the media about it.
Some people uses the holy spirit entering their bodies as an explanation on why they gets the unusual feelings and movements.

5. A scapegoat

Some people believes in God so they can have someone to blame at if something went wrong. If someone are unfortunate, they can come up with an explanation that it happen them or someone else because they either were disobedient making God angry or because it was God's will. Some also uses God as an excuse on why things are like how it's or are angry at God because of all the suffering in the world.

6. Lack of evidence that he don't exist

None-believers thinks God don't exist and don't believe at him because of lack of evidence that he exists. But theists have similar mindset, but in the opposite way. Many thinks there's no evidence for that he don't exist and therefor they can believe in him like if he was a "theory", but just a "theory that can't get tested in the scientific way. They also thinks they can back it up with the argument: "How can this world both exist and be so advanced without something behind it?", but none-believers also can back up their belief with "Who created God?". Anyway, since there's no clear evidence that God exists or don't exist, therefor this is about faith; about believing and guessing, not about clearing a scientific fact.


There's many reasons why people believes in God. It can be reasons like an explanation on the world's mysteriouses, providing comfort, hope and purpose of life or it can be reasons like the social circle, extraordinary experiences giving someone faith, to have a scapegoat and perhaps because there's no evidence otherwise.
Earlier on GAG I've asked several questions about religions and some of them have been about why people believes in God. After reading all the comments I've reflected and made up my own opinion that I shared with you on GAG. Therefor I made this MyTake.

My journey and what I believe

In my childhood I was a protestant Christian and many in my social circle was it too. Later I became an agnostic after reading the bible and starting questioning it at the age of 12. Then I became an atheist and eventually went to the nihilistic belief. Nowadays (When I wrote this MyTake) I thinks I'm changing direction again and going back to believing again. I'm not believing in the trinity (God the father, God the son and the Holy Spirit). Now I think I'm starting to believe in strong monotheism with only one creator (God) and that there where people who spread the religions. Especially thanks to a man who traveled a lot, the religion are now wide spread.


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