A Guy Can Tell If A Woman Has Slept With Several Men

A Guy Can Tell If A Woman Has Slept With Several MenA month or two ago I posted a question here regarding this subject, and recently I talked about it more in a question I answered, so I decided I’d write about it to further explain what I mean for some of the people who didn’t get what I was saying, mostly females. They seemed to think such an occurance is ridiculous, while other guys knew exactly what I was talking about. This has been the real case for me and I’ve turned out to be right about 95% of the time, so I don’t understand how females who answered that question I posted could even try to tell me what I’m saying is not true. I know that not all guys have the knack for figuring it out, but I think a lot of us do more than women really realize.

Whenever I’ve met or even observed women from a distance, I have almost never been wrong about knowing that she either does sleep around, or has at least had more than one sex partner in the past, whether it's been in relationships or hookups. What happens is that I will either find out later on from people who are very close to her, or she herself will mention guys she’s been with. Either way, my sense was correct. But how do I and other guys know about her body count to begin with? Well, now we will go over it.

The way she acts with guys...

There are usually two ways a woman acts with a man that lets you know she’s had sex with more than one guy in the past, or even at present, and her behavior with you doesn’t necessarily have to be flirty or teasing to mean she has either. Often it will actually be the very opposite. It will either be a reserved kind of behavior, or very open and friendly with guys in a way that’s not exactly sexual.
Reserved/Stuck Up
The kind of reserved behavior I’m talking about is different from a woman just being generally reserved, and is a kind of aloof character that she mostly acts with men, and can often border on or be direct snobbiness or being a true bitch. This is usually what I've noticed in younger women who’ve slept with a lot of men, more than just 5 or even 10, and is because she knows about her history and is possibly paranoid that other men will think they can have a shot at her, and she will even try to avoid you sometimes.
This is often a definite case for women who are very attractive but especially physically. Some of them don't smile much, and when they do it doesn't seem entirely legit or they try to be careful about it with who and where, nor do they laugh a lot and it often takes something particularly comedic to make them giggle. They will act in this reserved or bitchy way with men because they’re afraid that if they get too close or friendly that it will just draw more attention to them or guys will think they can sleep with her, or that guys automatically want to sleep with her because she knows she’s done it with plenty of them. And because if she does want sex or is looking for it, she wants it to be on her terms, not guys’, even though it often does end up being on guys’ terms anyway.
Quietness is key. Often times this is the biggest indicator of a woman’s sexual history. If you’re someone like me who has a knack for reading the unseen pretty well, then you know what I’m talking about. Often times the biggest secrets are covered in the loudest silence, and is many times the case for women who act in a reserved, somewhat closed off or snotty way with men. The more a woman tries to pretend indifference towards men or avoid them, the more obvious the opposite can be. Sometimes there is more to the situation than just general disinterest from a woman.

Open and friendly…
Is the other way to tell a woman has already had sex, or with several men, but I don't think it's quite as common as the Reserved Woman or Bitch. Her open friendliness with guys is actually not even particularly sexual or flirtatious, but it’s just her nature because she likes sex and male company a lot and feels comfortable with men. It’s not exactly like a woman who prefers male friends either, or a tomboy. It’s just a kind of very nice way she has with men because she likes them, and unlike the Reserved Woman or Bitch, open and friendly ones generally don’t feel threatened by a guy making a pass at her or even making sexual jokes with her, and she herself will make them. Even if she’s not interested she will just laugh it off. I even know a few women like this on my job.
This is usually the case for women who are comfortable with their sexuality, and largely with older women. When a woman knows her body and what she likes, she can be very good with men in a social setting, maybe because she’s had a good time with them in bed. A woman who is very sexually aware of herself and what she’s into tends to have a lot of good sex and with more than one man in her life time, which maybe even crosses over into her social life and gives her a confidence and ease even in interacting with men.

Her body language and the way she behaves…

Explaining this is very, very complicated because I guess you have to be a guy to fully understand it but I will do my best. Typically a woman who has already had sex and especially with more than one man has a certain way of carrying herself that’s like a loose kind of demeanor. Relaxed would not quite be the word I want to use, but loose as in cool-ish. There is just something in her entire demeanor that says she knows the ins and outs of what it is to be with a man intimately. Basically, there are no surprises anymore, and her behavior tends to be more loose or sometimes even aloof. There is a certain sexual development in her that even is exuded through her body language and even facial expressions as crazy as it may sound.
Some guys think that a woman wearing makeup - or a lot of it - means she’s not a virgin, which actually is very true sometimes, though I do know that some virgins wear makeup just TO give the impression that they’re mature and sexual, so I wouldn’t rely on her use of it to give you any clues on her sexual experience or lack thereof.
Also, sweet girls, or ones who try to act very clean or wholesome, often are not, especially the sickeningly sweet ones. They act like this to hide their true sexual activity, or sexual impurities like sleeping with pastors or men in the church, giving sexual favors, or doing really naughty stuff with random guys after hours, in cars, school, under bridges, or in offices. So don't be fooled by them either.

Compare the way she acts with you vs. with other guys…

One of the biggest ways you can learn a lot about a woman is to observe the way she acts with other guys compared to how she acts with you. I learned this a long time ago, and as a guy you will find it to be a very valuable strategy in life.
Women tend to show different faces to different people, but especially men. Women who’ve slept with more than one guy in her life can act differently with you if you’re a guy who’s friendly and outgoing and has no trouble talking to women but you seem “nice” or are actually decent. Women with a body count can perceive you as “pure," soft, too "sweet," or nerdy because you’re a very kind or even intelligent guy, and they’re sizing you up and think you aren't the kind of guy she would ever want or need for sex, or you won’t be able to deliver the kind of sex she’s into. Even the way she talks to you can be as if she thinks you’re naive, and tends to have fewer words with you because she thinks you don't know stuff or don't get it, even though you do.
Now observe the way she behaves with other men: you notice that she’s very chatty or even giggly with other guys she thinks are real men or experienced, and can talk to them for a long time and you notice her body language seems more relaxed like she’s showing her true colors. In her mind, these other guys seem like the types of men who would fuck them how they want or seem confident enough for it if she ever wanted it.

Men have a Sixth sense…

No one lies about or hides their sexual behavior or past more than a woman does, so a guy knows how to pick up clues about it in other ways. I'm aware of guys who don't have this intuition, but I believe most men do. Even men who are virgins can tell. I guess it’s like a kind of perceptive sense of smell guys have, so to speak. And it could be because we ourselves are very comfortable with sex, are not inhibited about it, and don’t care who knows what we do or when we’re interested in sex either for the most part, so we're more sexually aware. Sex-minded creatures have night vision and can see other sexual creatures as well.
But like with any situation, we’re not always right and get hit with the occasional curve ball, and we may not know the exact number of guys a woman has slept with in her life, but we can just know if it’s been a few or several.
And anyway, most men can already figure that most women in these times are not virgins, or at the least not sexually pure, despite all the gender studies and journalistic research articles that want to try to convince people that women are not as sexually active or desperate as men. I think most men usually can detect a sexually active woman, and even horny or sex-deprived ones as well. I know I can. You have the naive guys with unrealistic, virginic expectations in a woman, and the ones who get heartbroken when they find out she’s not one or slept with more guys than he has with girls, but I actually don’t really think these guys are that common anymore.
And other times? The truth is that you may not even see any signs in a woman that says she’s slept with more than one man, you just get a sense that you know is not wrong. Sometimes when we interact with people we get certain vibes about them and they’re just plain right. Sometimes you just have a hunch about somebody and it’s not your imagination or having the wrong idea but the very right idea. Simple as that.

Why is a sexually experienced woman apparent?...

As crazy as it may sound, sexual activity has a way of changing or corrupting women in peculiar ways. And it can be seen more than I think they realize. It could be because by nature women are usually gentler or seemingly more clean than men, but sexual activity can alter her mind and demeanor, especially if her sexual experiences have actually made her start wanting sex more and giving her more adult or gritty tastes and desires.
With men, you usually can't tell if they've had sex or not unless he is very young and seems particularly naive or pure, nor does sexual activity in men alter their character or demeanor much unless they want it to be known by having badass/badboy behavior. At least with what I've noticed anyway. Often times guys I thought seemed like they were virgins or hadn't had much sex have surprised me like hell with the total opposite. So I do think there is a significant difference in this with the sexes.

I really welcome other guys to give their own details here - if they have any - of how they could detect if a woman isn’t a virgin or has had sex with several men. Would love to hear your stories.


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