6 Questions Every Girl Has About Sex But Is Too Afraid To Ask — & The Answers, Of Course

Friends With Benefits

Have you ever wanted to ask a question about sex but felt too uncomfortable? We’ve got ya covered! Here are the answers to some hot topic questions we can bet you’ve probably wondered about before!

Believe me, ladies, we know — sex can be a VERY awkward subject to talk about. In case you don’t have anyone you feel comfortable enough asking those uncomfortable questions to, we’re here to help. We asked some readers what their biggest concerns about sex are, and got the answers straight from a sex expert, Sean Jameson, who created Bad Girl’s Bible. Here’s what Sean had to say about the six most popular questions we had about sex — and if you have any more questions after this, we can do our best to help you get your answers.
Why is it harder for girls to orgasm than it is for guys? Most guys are stimulated visually and/or physically. These are relatively easy things to control. Many women are more cerebral when it comes to arousal. So while visual and physical factors certainly play a role in getting turned on for women, the most important aspect is what’s inside your head. If you’re feeling uncomfortable, stressed, unconfident, tired, anxious or are in a state of mind that is not conducive to being aroused, then orgasm is going to be a lot tougher. However, if you removed these things that can inhibit you, you will find it a lot easier. Pair this with understanding your body and what type of stimulation you enjoy (hint: you may need to masturbate more often) and you’ll have a winning combination for easier orgasms.
What position is generally most enjoyable for guys and what position is generally most enjoyable for girls? If there was one golden position, I’d give it to you, but the real answer is that it depends on the two people who are having sex. If you prefer clitoral stimulation, then you’ll want to focus on positions like the coital alignment technique. If you enjoy G-Spot stimulation, then you’ll enjoy positions like this G-Spot position. If you are very small and your man is very tall, then certain positions will feel better than others. If your man is well hung, then this will affect what positions feel best. What I’m trying to say is that you need to experiment and give each other feedback to discover what is the best position for you.
What’s the best way for a girl to get off by masturbating? This can take a while to figure out as it varies from girl to girl. First, focus on getting super aroused by trying to eliminate some of the things I talked about earlier (stress, etc.). Next, spend some time focusing on what feels most pleasurable not trying to orgasm. You simply want to figure out the spots inside and outside your vagina that respond most to your touch. Next is figuring out what type of stimulation feels best: rubbing, pressing, grinding, using a dildo, using a vibrator, etc. Then, it’s a case of focusing on the most enjoyable things for you.
Is there anything girls should know about having sex or giving a blow job to someone with an uncircumcised penis? It’s quite similar, but one minor thing that you should be concerned with is making sure that he’s clean underneath his foreskin. Other than that it shouldn’t affect sex. When giving a blow job, just gently pull his foreskin backwards with one hand and it will be just like giving oral to a circumcised guy.
What are the best kinds of lube to use? Water based or silicone based with no sugar are the best. They are compatible with condoms and can be washed with water. Sugar-based lubes can encourage a yeast infection to develop. My advice is to avoid oil based lube as they can be washed away with water and these lubes also degrade condoms.
Should I be doing anything with my partner’s balls during sex or while giving a blow job? If you want to or he wants you to! Great sex is about respect and communication. You can gently hold and massage them in your palm and fingers, but make sure not to accidentally squeeze them — they are really crazy sensitive.


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